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12 seeds

FIGHTER PILOT; Jack Herer cbd photoperiod male x Auto-Pilot 1.0


Jack Herer cbd; Large growing plant. The jack pheno i selected and grew from BlackTie was not that spicy, earthy, somewhat potpourri-ish we all know from the thc version. It was more smooth and fresh with notes of chamomile, sandlewood, pine, and some sweetness. Nonetheless it was dank and one interesting note was how "fuzzy" the leaves and stems were. like velvet to the touch.


Auto-Pilot; Auto-Pilot from 100 ft away reek of old school skunky goodness but as you walk closer the smell changes to a fruity floral sweetness, its interesting.


*Breeder notes;. You might get a few autos even though its an auto x photo F1 due to recessive auto lineage of the jack herer. Also look for velvety soft fuzzy leaves

Fighter Pilot (R)

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